My grandmother wrote a book many years ago now. Being dyslexic she needed to dictate the story to someone who typed it up on a typewriter. As far as I am aware there are only two copies of this manuscript, and I am in possession of one.
I was asked to digitize this book, and have been in possession of it for a number of years at this point. One challenge which has been preventatively complex is the pages are loose, and I haven't been able to think of a way to handle the situation in a way that I can be happy with.
My most recent idea has been to bind the transcript. I don't want to be overly destructive to the pages If I can avoid it though, so i decided to practice on my calculus book.

I learned a lot in this process. Perhaps most importantly, it failed to meet my expectations. Not least of which is how badly it destroyed the book while I was lacing it together. The one thing I don't want to do to my grandmother's book.
I have one more book, a physics book, that has loose pages that I can attempt once more to prevent this catastrophic outcome.

Going less over the top with the sections and binding it together as a whole effort, was an absolute success.
On the other note, I don't think I'll bind Grandma's book. I don't want to damage the pages if I can avoid it, and I'll have to find a better solution.